ADI announces a new precision medium bandwidth signal chain platform that interfaces a wide range of sensors
来源:ADI announces a new precision medium bandwidth signal chain platform that interfaces a wide range of sensors 2022-12-20

       ADI announces a new precision medium bandwidth signal chain platform that improves system performance in industrial and instrumentation applications with signal bandwidths from DC to approximately 500kHz. The new platform offers a complete range of signal chains with customizable solution options and a select set of development tools, such as LTspice simulation, to help simplify the design process. These reliable signal chains are designed for accurate time and frequency measurement, enabling end systems to support a variety of sensor and measurement mode inputs from IEPE vibration/acceleration to temperature/pressure. Critically, these signal chains help engineers get into the design with confidence to meet the demanding challenges of precision instrumentation in applications such as condition-based monitoring (CbM), multichannel or distributed data acquisition systems (DAQ), position and motor control, and sonar.®


       The signal chain included in the platform has accuracy and power stack options that prioritize AC and DC precision design requirements, including options for single- or multichannel systems, and high-channel density options to support multichannel-count systems. The platform offers precision medium bandwidth signal chain options including power-based options for AC accuracy that support instrumentation, low-latency options for motor control and position sensing, and high-density options using signal chain μModule SIP solutions or multichannel converters. Multichannel-count system designers can choose signal chains where channel synchronization is preferred, whether in channel-isolated or nonisolated systems.

       Key features of precision medium bandwidth:

  • Optimized signal chain resolution and gain to provide the required 16-bit to 24-bit accuracy over the widest range of sensor bandwidths, regardless of amplitude
  • Flexibility to prioritize noise performance, signal bandwidth, and power allows for multiplexing of circuit preferences and multiple use cases with simple software updates
  • Higher channel density options enable accuracy measurements to be extended to distributed or centralized multichannel count scenarios